Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you. James 1:27
February, 2024
Dear Friends,
The teenagers continue to attend youth meetings in Timisoara. These meetings challenge the youth in their faith. They are also helping our teenagers meet other youth their age who want to worship the Lord and to learn more about Him. Having a peer group of friends who know when to have fun and when to be serious for the Lord is so important. We are thankful for the church who works with our children and teenagers and provides spiritual counseling for them when needed.
One neat thing that Valentina is doing is to have two of our teenagers who have been taking piano lessons to now teach the younger children how to play the piano. She is trying to teach them the importance of passing on what you learn to others. She also continues to do short trips with them to Lugoj and Timisoara to do fun activities on the weekends.
One of the first children that came to us, Adela, passed away last month from cancer. She was a loving mother of two children, a wonderful wife and a very special person. She had accepted the Lord as her Savior when she was with us and was baptized. We continued to spend time with her even after she left the orphanage. We will miss her very much. Please pray for her husband and children during this time.
Beraca has been able to help several needy families this month, including purchasing food for a couple of families. Food has become expensive in Romania and for some families, it is hard to even buy the basics. So, we are thankful that we can help. The food bank continues to help families with food and clothing as well. We have extended our boundaries of helping people past Lugoj and into the surrounding towns to those who need help. Beraca also bought a refrigerator for a family whose father had to have his leg amputated. He can no longer work and so this was a big blessing for them. And we continue to help the widows with food and firewood. They are so thankful and blessed for all of the help.
We are blessed by all of you who continue to be a part of the work in Romania through your prayers and financial support. Thank you so much for your generosity.
Beraca Foundation, P.O. Box 674, Jacksonville, IL 62651; karenpopet@gmail.com