Karen & Ruben Popet – Beraca Orphanage in Jdioara, Romania

Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you.   James 1:27

November, 2023

Happy Thanksgiving!

On November 3, Karen’s Dad passed away.  He was 92 years old.  I (Karen) would like to share a little bit about him and the example that his life was for me, my family and many, many others.  Dad was always encouraging me to follow my dreams and let God lead me.  I am so thankful for his godly example growing up.  He was a busy person but always had time for his family.  He supported us in our sports, music, and other activities that we were involved in.  What he gave me the most was an example of having a heart sold out for God.  He was not afraid to share his faith or step out in faith.  Watching his example put a desire in my heart to be the same.  Since I have been overseas most of my adult life, I am so thankful that I was able to spend this last year with him.  He was a lot of things to me but mostly, he was my HERO!

On November 19, one of the boys, Manu, who was part of our orphanage but has since grown up and is living on his own, is going to get baptized.  We are so excited.  For a few years, his life was not going down a very good path.  But God has gotten a hold of him, and he has turned his life around.  Another one of our older boys who is still at the orphanage, Cosmin, gave his life to Jesus the other night.  That was so special.  He was young when he came to us and dealt with a lot of anger issues.  Now he has given it all to God and let Him have control.  The seeds of faith that were planted into their lives have now come alive.  God is faithful to His Word.

We have a new girl at our orphanage.  Her name is Nicoleta.  She is nine years old.  She is a sweet girl and has adjusted well to her new home.  We are thankful that we can help another child who has no one to take care of her.  The children and teenagers have been busy this month with school, homework and activities at school.

We were blessed with money to buy firewood for 13 widows for the winter.  This is always a huge blessing for them.  Firewood is not only their source of heat for the winter, but they also cook and make hot water on the same stove.  We were also able to buy a very poor family a new stove. It brings joy to our hearts to be able to help people who can’t otherwise help themselves.

All of you are part of these blessings for people, too.  Thank you for your faithful giving and prayers.  We pray each of you have a very blessed Thanksgiving with family and friends.  May we all remember the many blessings that God constantly bestows on us.

With our love,
Ruben, Karen & Bianca

Beraca Foundation, P.O. Box 674, Jacksonville, IL 62651; karenpopet@gmail.com
