Karen & Ruben Popet – Beraca Orphanage in Jdioara, Romania

Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you.   James 1:27

October, 2023

Dear Friends,

School is going well for everyone.  Cosmin has already participated in a football championship at his high school.  He is adjusting to being in a bigger school with a class full of students that are new to him.  Please continue to pray for him during this adjustment period.  The children with speech impairments have started going to their special teacher again. They have improved a lot.

For the beginning of school, we gave ten backpacks to needy children.  We bought the supplies, and everyone helped to fill up the backpacks.  Our teenagers loved doing this.  They have giving hearts and that warms our hearts.  Our children and teenagers have been blessed so much and it is a joy for them to get to bless others.  We also bought an electric wheelchair for a nursing home.  They really needed one to make the employees’ work easier.

We were able to bless an elderly woman who has a special needs daughter with a gas boiler for heat.  This makes their lives much easier and saves them a lot of money.  They save money on buying wood and paying someone to split it for them.  Gas is much cheaper in Romania.  Also, it will be easier for them since they will not have to make a fire every day and keep it going during the night.

Valentina and the teenagers went to visit one of our widows.  They spent some time with her and prayed with her.  This is so important for them.  Many are very lonely and have no one to come to check on them or visit them for days.

With the coming of fall, Valentina has started to have campfires in our backyard with everyone.  S’mores are always a hit.   They also enjoy singing songs and playing games.  One night they had balloons with lights in them.  That was a lot of fun.

Thank you for your continual support of Beraca ministry in Romania through your prayers and finances.  They are blessings for so many in Romania.  One update on our family is that Marta has moved into her own apartment.  She is excited to have her own place.  She is working full-time as well.  We pray all is well with each of you.

With our love,
Ruben, Karen & Bianca

Beraca Foundation, P.O. Box 674, Jacksonville, IL 62651; karenpopet@gmail.com
