Karen & Ruben Popet – Beraca Orphanage in Jdioara, Romania

Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you.   James 1:27

November, 2021

Dear Friends,

Fall is such a beautiful time of year with the trees turning brilliant colors. A group from our church in Timiosara came one Saturday and took all of the children and teenagers for a ride in the mountains in their off-road trucks. The scenery was awesome. The ride was so much fun. Everyone had a great time. Afterwards, at the bottom of the mountain, we had a delicious picnic. It was a day that no one will forget for a long time.

Another Sunday, our church had a special meeting for the teenagers after church. While they were eating and playing games, the rest of us were invited to a friend's home for lunch. When we arrived, there was an unbelievable amount of food on the tables. It was so delicious. No one could eat another bite. Then, when we arrived home, another church had brought sandwiches and drinks for the evening! It was a day of feasting for sure.

This Sunday, Bogdan, one of our older boys who is now in college, will be getting baptized. We are so excited that he has decided to live his life for Jesus. We will all be going to support him on this important and special day. He came to the orphanage as a baby and has grown up to be a fine, young man.

We wanted to update you on Karen's health. Results from some tests showed changes. So, she is now in the USA for chemotherapy treatment. She is feeling fine. We are praying for complete healing so she can return to Romania soon. Ruben and the girls are still in Romania taking care of things. Bianca is in her senior year of high school. Please pray for Karen's health and healing and also for our family as we are separated once again.

A couple of churches have stepped up to help Ruben during this time. They are sending young people to spend time with the children and keep them busy in the evenings. It has been a big blessing for Ruben. It is neat to see how God's church works when one part has a need, another part is there to fulfill that need.

Finally, we wanted to let those of you who knew Pastor Iulian from the church in Lugoj that he passed away last week. It has been a sad time for everyone. Please pray for his wife and grown children as they deal with this loss.

Thank you again for all of your faithful support and prayers. We really need them during this time. We know God is in control and He will have the victory and get the glory.

With our love,
Ruben, Karen & Bianca

Beraca Foundation, P.O. Box 674, Jacksonville, IL 62651; karenpopet@gmail.com
