Roman & Míša Klusákovi – Lovosice, Czech Republic

Dear brothers and sisters, thank you for your faithful ministry support in many places, especially in the Czech Republic. Let me share with you an update on our ministry and prayer requests.

Ministry: We are thankful to God for his mercy and faithfulness in past few months. Even though not everything was easy, we can testify to God's mercy.

Please pray for our faithfulness in the word and witness.

Concerning our church, we were blessed by two young people who received baptism this year. We also have new families joining our church, and that is really exited. In the summer, God blessed us with the opportunity to have daily camp and we were able to share the gospel not only with the kids but with their parents as well.

Overall I am excited by the growth of the church in the spiritual sense. Even though the times are hard for many, their desire to study, pray, and be together is excellent.

In our studies, we finished the book of Exodus and Thessalonians and moved to the exposition of Ezra/Nehemiah and the Gospel of Luke. I am looking forward for what will God do through His word in us.

This year we also opened the CBI course, and most students from the previous year came to study with us again.

Please pray for wisdom and faithfulness. Pray for the students and each Christian that want to study and grow in the Lord.


Family: Thank you for your faithful prayers for our family. We are blessed in so many ways.

We are thankful to God for his mercy. We are sinners and have a lot of work before us, but He is greater in His mercies toward us.

Please pray for our kids. We are praying for their salvation. This is our biggest hope and desire.


Thank you for all the support—especially your prayers.


God bless you all.


Roman Klusák
