Toni Carabas


Toni Carabas and his wife Lucia are a wonderful couple who now live in the village of Pestere where Toni grew up. Toni and Lucia care for Toni’s ageing mom who lives with them. Lucia works outside the home  to supplement the meager income from  Toni’s churches, which is around $300/month (this includes money for fuel and car expenses). Toni currently serves two churches. One located in his hometown village of Pestere. This year, there was a baptism service in this church where 2 people were baptized. In the Pestere church there are 3 individuals who are not believers. Toni also travels a great distance to pastor a second church in Teregova where the church population is almost exclusively Gypsy. Toni has a heart for this ministry even though travel expenses are high and the salary level very low. Toni sees God’s hand in both locations would love to partner with individuals and churches who also know that God would not forget anyone in His plan no matter how remote the location. Both churches had children dedication services this year and Toni is very encouraged to see young families decide to raise their children in the house of the Lord.  Several individuals in Windsor as well as the Windsor Christian Fellowship financially partner with Toni in helping him accomplish God’s plan in some of the most remote regions of Romania.
