After the fall of Communism in December 1989, the plight of Romania's children came into clear focus, revealing the homelessness and rejection of countless youth. In Jdioara, a loving older lady, Anna, gave her home and property to a couple, Ruben and Karen Popet, in exchange for end-of-life care.
Ruben and Karen brought much experience in caring for these orphans from a previous facility. Funds from Europe and America paid for construction of a home for 20 children. Beginning in March 2002, the home was opened to afford a loving setting for children without hope and direction. The orphanage stands firm in Christian principles while operating under the rules and guidelines of the Romanian childcare system, which places children according to criteria beneficial to each child. Currently, there are 16 children in the care of Beraca Orphanage.
Ruben and Karen have also opened a food bank in Lugoj, a nearby city. The purpose is to provide food for needy families, widows and elderly people.