In 2017 unexpectedly the Lord called us to establish a new church in Budapest after leading a church for 15 years in our hometown, Érd. With 2 couples we started a church July 1,2018. In the city of almost 2 million there are hundreds of churches, why one more? During online time (due to COVID) we gained a better understanding why God led us into this difficult new adventure. We meet in a downtown Café shop (D18). We had our first church retreat with 26 adults and 9 children.
Pastor Varga is also the director of the pastors’ development training in the Hungarian Baptist Union. He takes 7 pastors through a one year program called “take care of yourself” each year. This concentrates on self-esteem, personal calling, marriage and family life of a pastor. Anikó is involved in the pastor couple’s marriage week.
Pastor Varga serves in a new Christian Highschool as a headteacher and Bible teacher. Most of the kids (and families) are not believers so this is a great chance to give them some knowledge of Christ.
August 2021 we together began a new adventure working with Hungarian Baptist Aid. They run over 50 schools in all over Hungary. They invited us to coordinate all the mission efforts toward over 13000 kids and families, over 3000 teachers and workers of these schools. This is a great previlege and responsibility.
We have 2 sons who are married, 2 daughter-in-laws, one son at home, a daughter and a granddaughter.
We appreciate your prayers and support.