Karen & Ruben Popet – Beraca Orphanage in Jdioara, Romania

Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you.   James 1:27

May, 2024

Dear Friends,

Our family is headed to Romania next week.  We leave on May 13 and will return on June 17.  We are looking forward to seeing our children and teenagers, family, and friends.  Please pray for safety and protection while we travel as well as while we are in Romania.  Also, please pray for the group that is coming in June that we will be hosting.

We have a new little boy that has come to live at the orphanage.  He is 8 years old.  His name is David Andrei.  We are excited to have him as part of the Beraca family and give him the opportunity of a blessed life.  It has always been our desire and goal to help as many children as possible who are in difficult situations.

The children and teenagers have participated in several activities this past month.  They went to an educational culture event entitled, “How to turn a Failure into a Win.”   They also went to Valentina’s sister’s wedding.  Everyone really enjoyed this and felt important to be a part of it.  There was a symphonic concert as well that they attended.  The school went on a day trip to a nearby fortress and our teenagers went with them.  It was a lot of fun for them to go on a trip with their classmates.  And the church that Valentina and the children and teenagers attend moved into a new location.  So, the older children went a couple of times to help with the renovation and moving of things.  School is not finished until June 15, so everyone is still busy with that and the year-end exams.

Beraca was able to buy some needy families food this last month.  Unfortunately, poverty is still a big problem in Romania, especially in the villages.  Prices have gone up in Romania just as they have here in the USA.  Also, a college student who comes from a family that is poor and has no father needed a laptop.  It is essential for college today.  Beraca was able to purchase one for this student.  She was so excited and thankful.

We want to thank all of you who continue to give financially and pray for the work in Romania and for our family.  May God bless you abundantly.

Beraca Foundation, P.O. Box 674, Jacksonville, IL 62651; karenpopet@gmail.com

